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Civil or Legal
Civil or Legal marriages are possible in Aruba following the submission of required paperwork and with a nominal fee. All Civil marriages must take place in the historic City Hall located in downtown Oranjestad. Couples who wish may also receive a religious blessing after a civil marriage. Following the legal ceremony, many couples choose to organize a romantic celebration or “blessing” on the beach or at a special location of their choice on the island. All civil ceremonies are held at the City Hall (“Civil Town House”)
The required documentation includes:
Long Form Birth Certificate, with parents’ names of Bride and Groom. These birth-certificates must have a raised seal. When the raised seal is secured, the documents need to be submitted to the Secretary of State Office for an Apostille (a separate document authenticating the certificate and the employee who signed the certificate).
Certificate of No Impediment for Bride and Groom (also known as “single status report” or “negative statement for marriage”). This certificate is obtained at the Bureau of Vital Statistics or (for England at the department of Commonwealth) that states that Bride and Groom are single and eligible to marry. For Canada the couple that has never been married before can get a sworn statement from a Public Notary or Lawyer.
If married before, a Final Divorce-Degree with an Apostille; or Death Certificate with an Apostille is required.
Copies of photo ID of the passport picture page of Bride and Groom. Bride and Groom must both be 18 years of age or older.
Copies of photo ID of the passport picture page of two (2) Witnesses, minimum 18 years of age. If the bride and groom are traveling alone, witnesses can be provided locally by a wedding planner for a small additional cost
The Aruba Declaration of Marriage Intent Form of Bride and Groom (application form provided by your wedding planner).
The Aruba Declaration Single Status Form of Bride and Groom (application form provided by your wedding planner) h. Bathing suits, shorts, cut-offs and slippers are not allowed at the civil ceremony.
All documents must be faxed (or e-mailed) for review and then sent by mail or courier (e.g. FedEx) at least one (1) month before the desired date for the wedding. Please contact your wedding planner or wedding coordinator well in advance.
The Civil ceremony can take place on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10:00am till 11:30am and from 2:00pm till 3:30pm; Wednesdays from 10:00am till 11:30am. From 11:00am till 1:00pm on Saturdays is also available (this may incur an additional cost).
With adequate planning and submission of required documentation, religious ceremonies can also be performed on the island.
A written consent must be presented stating that both the bride and groom have attended pre-marital counseling and have permission from their pastor to marry in Aruba.
An official statement by the pastor is required in which he declares that neither party has previously been married in a Church.
A copy of the Marriage Certificate that shows that the couple has been married by a civil authority in their country of origin.
Certificates of baptism and confirmation from both bride and groom, as well as copies of both passports or other valid identification documents.
The wedding ceremony must take place in a Catholic Church.
Bride and groom must submit all these documents 4 months prior to the chosen wedding day.
Protestants, Episcopalians, Methodists:
The wedding can take place in any local Protestant, Episcopalian or Methodist Church, or at any other location of your preference.
Provide a copy of the Marriage Certificate from your country of origin.
You are required to dress appropriately for all “Religious Blessings” for example the bride can not marry wearing bathing suit or shorts; shorts are acceptable for the groom.
Both parties must be Jewish and must submit a certificate issued by the Jewish Rabbi from their place of origin.
The Aruba Jewish Cantor accepts Jewish status certificates from valid Orthodox authorities, Conservative, Reform, Liberal and Reconstructionist.
Couples need to make a formal request to the Jewish Community of Aruba.
The ceremony can take place both within the Synagogue, or in any other place of your choice. The Synagogue of Aruba is in a separate conservative reformist style congregation.
* To ensure the Aruba marriage requirements are up to date, contact us at

Aruba is a great choice offering luxurious accommodations and opportunities to explore and discover new sights and sounds. It has something to offer for every family member and is perfect for multi-generational groups and families. With so much to do on the island, it's no wonder Aruba is such a popular destination.